Welcome to John Resources!
This video will provide insight into how we select resources to share with you. For more, take a look at our Beliefs page. We trust that these resources will help you to read, understand and love God’s Word in a way that transforms your heart!
Dramatic Reading - John 15:1-11
Weekly Verse Song - John 15:1-5
Weekly Verse Song - John 15:6-11
Commentaries & Study Tools - Blue Letter Bible
Commentaries - English Standard Version Bible
Articles -
Maps & Study Tools - OpenBible
Maps - Bible Mapper
Articles and Sermons - The Gospel Coalition
Articles and Sermons - Ligonier Ministries
Articles and Sermons - Desiring God Ministries
John 1
Commentary - John 1 Study Guide (David Guzik)
John 1:1-18 The Word Became Flesh
Video - Bible Project (John Part 1) (9 min)
Sermon - In the Beginning Was the Word John Piper (Desiring God) (50 min)
Article - God the Son (Ligonier Ministries)
John 1:19-28 John the Baptist Denies Being the Messiah
Video - Bible Recap (Day 274 Luke 1 & John 1) (12 min)
Sermon - Behold the Lamb of God (John Piper/Desiring God) (41 min)
John 1:29-34 John Testifies About Jesus
Commentary - Bible Hub (John 1 Commentary)
John 1:35-42 John’s Disciples Follow Jesus
Map - Sea of Galilee
John 1:43-51 Jesus Calls Phillip and Nathanael
Sermon - What Are You Seeking? (Calvary Chapel Ontario) (42 min)
Video - Bible Project (Creation Series, John 1) (7 min)
John 2
Commentary - John 2 - (Matthew Henry/Blue Letter Bible)
John 2:1-12 Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
John 2:13-24 Jesus Clears the Temple Courts
Podcast - Beyond Intellection (Radical/David Platt) (4 min)
John 3:1-21 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
Article & Video - What Happens in the New Birth (Desiring God/ John Piper) (45 min)
Podcast - The Seven Peaks of John (John Piper) (26 min)
John 3:22-36 John Testifies Again About Jesus
Podcast - He Must Increase (Radical/ David Platt) (4 min)
John 4
Commentary - Study Guide for John 4 ( David Guzik)
Visual overview - John 4:1-54 | Samaritan Woman And The Royal Official's Son (A Cartoonist's Guide To The Bible)
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - John 4:1-45
Sermon - Never Thirst (Gospel in Life) (34 min)
Article - What does it mean to worship God in Spirit?(Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Messiah: The Living Water, Part 3 ( Grace to You/ John McArthur) (55 min)
Podcast - A Testimony Worth Telling |John 4:39 (Radical) (6 min)
Jesus Heals an Official's Son - John 4:43-54
Sermon - Go, Your Son Will Live (Desiring God) (45 min)
John 5
Commentary - Study Guide for John 5 (David Guzik)
Visual overview - John 5:1-47 | Healing At The Pool (A Cartoonist's Guide To The Bible)
The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath - John 5:1-17
Sermon -Opposed By Hopelessness - John 5:1-9 (David Guzik) (34 min)
Article - A Pool Strangely Stirred: The Healing at Bethesda in John 5 (Tyndale House)
Jesus Is Equal with God - John 5:18
Sermon - Jesus Equal with God| John 5:1-24 (Desiring God) (37 min)
The Authority of the Son - 5:19-29
Sermon -Honor the Son – John 5:19-30 ( Imago Dei Church) (33 min)
Witnesses to Jesus - John 5:30-47
Sermon - The Love of Human Praise as the Root of Unbelief (Desiring God) (45 min)
Podcast/ Devotional - Seek Heavenly Approval | John 5:41 (Radical/ David Platt) (4 min)
John 6:
Chart - Chronological Table of the Miracles of Christ (Blue Letter Bible)
Podcast - John 6 Explained (Through the Word) (11 min)
Article - A Most Offensive Love: The Hard Sayings of a Kind Savior (Desiring God)
Commentary - John Chapter 6 (Enduring Word)
Sermon - The Bread of Life (The Gospel Coalition/Don Carson) (25 min)
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - 6:1-15
Video Commentary - Jesus Feeds the 5,000 (Spoken Gospel) (3 min)
Sermon Clip - Jesus Didn't Die for Our Present Prosperity (Desiring God/John Piper) (13 min)
Article - Withdrawing from a Confused Crowd (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Feeding the Five Thousand (R C Sproul) (32 min)
Sermon - What Kind of Savior? (The Gospel Coalition/R. Kent Hughes) (31 min)
Devotional - John 6:5-14| Bread from Heaven (Enduring Words for Troubled Times) (7 min)
Podcast - John 6:15| A Different King (Pray the Word/David Platt) (4 min)
Jesus Walks on Water - 6:16-21
Sermon - John 6:14-21| Opposed by the Storm (Enduring Word) (28 min)
Sermon - John 6:16| Walking on the Sea (The Gospel Coalition/Dick Lucas) (28 min)
Devotional - Here Comes Jesus (Enduring Words for Troubled Times) (7 min)
Sermon - Jesus Walks on Water (Truth for Life/Alistair Begg) (33 min)
Sermon Clip - Grace for Our Hardest Moments (Desiring God/John Piper) (12 min)
I Am the Bread of Life - 6:22-59
Music - You Said I Am (The Worship Initiative) (5 min)
Sermon - John 6:22-46| Opposed by Sign-Seekers (Enduring Word) (30 min)
Article - John 6:22-51| Jesus the Bread of Life (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - John 6:25| Work For This (The Gospel Coalition/Dick Lucas) (26 min)
Sermon - John 6:25-35| The Disciples' Emotions (Radical/David Platt) (53 min)
Sermon - John 6:30-35| Knowing Christ: The Bread of Life (R C Sproul) (22 min)
Devotional - John 6:35| Forever Satisfied (Desiring God/John Piper) (3 min)
Article - John 6:37-44| Why the Doctrine of Election is Precious to Me (The Gospel Coalition)
Sermon - John 6:41-51| Skeptical Grumbling and Sovereign Grace (Desiring God/John Piper) (50 min)
Podcast - John 6:44| Irresistible Grace (R C Sproul) (7 min)
Article - John 6:48| How is Jesus the Bread of Life? (Ligonier Ministries)
Article - John 6:52-59| Eating and Belief (Ligonier Ministries)
The Words of Eternal Life - 6:60-71
Sermon - John 6:47-71| Opposed by Word-Twisters (Enduring Word) (33 min)
Sermon - John 6:52-71| It is the Spirit that Gives Life (Desiring God/John Piper) (51 min)
Sermon - John 6:52-71| Hard Sayings (R C Sproul) (31 min)
Article - John 6:60-65| Grumbling and Disbelief (Ligonier Ministries)
Q&A - John 6:64-65| Why Did Jesus Choose Judas? (Desiring God) (11 min)
Podcast - John 6:66-69| You Have the Words of Eternal Life (Pray the Word/David Platt) (6 min)
Article - John 6:66-71| Persevering Disciples (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Staying or Going? (Truth for Life/Alistair Begg) (29 min)
John 7
Commentary - John Chapter 7 (Enduring Word)
Podcast - John 7 Explained (Through the Word) (10 min)
Sermon - Answering Skeptics (The Gospel Coalition/Richard Coekin) (39 min)
Sermon - I Am... From God (Mark Dever) (55 min)
Jesus at the Feast of Booths - 7:1-24
Article - John 7:1-13| At the Feast of Booths (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - John 7:1-13| Keeping the Divine Timetable (Grace to You/John MacArthur) (51 min)
Sermon - John 7:1-13| Unbelief (R C Sproul) (21 min)
Podcast - John 7:16| Speaking With His Authority (Pray the Word/David Platt) (7 min)
Q&A - John 7:17-18| What's Keeping Me from Seeing Jesus? (Desiring God) (13 min)
Podcast - John 7:18| God's Representatives (Pray the Word/David Platt) (4 min)
Podcast - John 7:1-18| Jesus Loves God's Glory (Desiring God/John Piper) (22 min)
Sermon - Willing God's Will as a Way of Knowing Christ's Word (Desiring God/John Piper) (43 min)
Can This Be the Christ? - 7:25-31
Officers Sent to Arrest Jesus - 7:32-36
Sermon - John 7:32-52| Who Is This Man? (R C Sproul) (25 min)
Rivers of Living Water - 7:37-39
Podcast - Thirsting for the Living Water (Through the Word) (11 min)
Article - The Well that Never Runs Dry (Ligonier Ministries)
Podcast - River of Living Water (Pray the Word/David Platt) (3 min)
Blog - Yeshua and the Sukkot Water-Drawing Festival (
Music - God So Loved (We The Kingdom) (4 min)
Division Among the People - 7:40-52
Sermon - John 7:37-52| Living Water (Truth for Life/Alistair Begg) (38 min)
Sermon - John 7:37-52| Opposed by the Religious Rulers (Enduring Word) (35 min)
Sermon - John 7:37-52| The Glorious Gospel Invitation (Grace to You/John MacArthur) (57 min)
Sermon - No One Ever Spoke Like This Man (Desiring God/John Piper) (41 min)
Article - John 7:47-52| The Prophet of Galilee (Ligonier Ministries)
John 8
Song - Streetlights (6 min)
Commentary - David Guzik
Commentary - Bible Ref
Sermon - Overview of John 8 (Pastor Chuck Smith verse by verse) (47 min [Begin at time code 47:36])
John 8:1-11 - The Woman Caught in Adultery
Article - Mount of Olives (Bible Walks)
Article - I’ve Been Forgiven. Now What? (J.D. Greear)
Article - What Was Jesus Writing in the Dirt? (Got Questions)
Sermon - The Compassion of Christ (Allistair Begg) (39 min)
Sermon - Jesus, The Friend of Sinners (John MacArthur) (31 min)
Sermon - Neither Do I Condemn You (John Piper) (40 min)
Sermon - Woman Caught in Adultery (R.C. Sproul) (31 min)
John 8:12-30 - I Am the Light of the World
Article - Feast of Tabernacles (Israel My Glory)
Article - Feast of Tabernacles (Kevin Burris, The Gospel Coalition)
Sermon - Jesus, The Light of the World (Allistair Begg) (36 min)
Sermon - I Am the Light of the World (J.D. Greear) (43 min)
Sermon - I Am the Light (Tim Keller) (41min)
Sermon - The Simple Gospel (John MacArthur) (51 min)
Sermon - I Am the Light of the World (John Piper) (39 min)
John 8:31-38 - The Truth Will Set You Free
Article - By Grace, We Are Free in Christ (Sinclair Ferguson)
Article - The Only True Freedom (John Piper)
Article - The Mark of True Discipleship (R.C. Sproul)
Sermon - Free Indeed! Part 1 (Allistair Begg) (38 min)
Sermon - Free Indeed! Part 2 (Allistair Begg) (24 min)
Sermon - Sent to Bring Freedom (Tim Keller) (34 min)
Sermon - The Freedom of True Discipleship (John MacArthur) (54 min)
Sermon - If You Abide in My Word … (John Piper) (44 min)
John 8:39-47 - You Are of Your Father the Devil
Article - What Is the Significance of Jesus Saying … (Got Questions)
Article - Children of the Devil (R.C. Sproul)
Article - Do We Deserve Heaven? (Sinclair Ferguson)
Sermon - Whose Child Are You? (Allistair Begg) (42 min)
Sermon - False Assurance of the Religious (John MacArthur) (47 min)
John 8:48-59 - Before Abraham Was, I AM
Article - What is the Significance of Jesus saying … (Got Questions)
Article - Cosmic Child Abuse? (Ligonier/ Robert Rothwell)
Sermon - Before Abraham Was, I AM (Allistair Begg) (42 min)
Sermon - Stones to Throw (Kevin DeYoung) (43 min)
Sermon - Jesus Provokes His Enemies (John MacArthur) (48 min)
Sermon - Death Is Not the End of Life (John Piper) (40 min)
Sermon - Abraham & Freedom (R.C. Sproul)(32 min)
John 9
Commentary - Bible Ref
Commentary - David Guzik
Sermon - Overview of John 9 (Pastor Chuck Smith verse by verse) - (27 min [Time Code 0:00 - 27:11])
Song - Streetlights (4 min)
John 9:1-41 - Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
Article - Believing Is Seeing (J.D. Greear)
Article - What Is Significant About the Pool of Siloam (Never Thirsty)
Devotional - God’s Work Displayed (Pray the Word / David Platt) (5 min)
Podcast - Why Did Jesus Use Spit and Mud to Heal? (John Piper)
Sermon - I Am the Son of Man (Mark Dever) (60 min)
Sermon - The Man Born Blind (Tim Keller) (37 min)
Sermon - The Works of God and the Worship of Jesus (John Piper) ( 44 min)
Sermon - For Judgment I Came Into This World (John Piper) (39 min)
Sermon - Man Born Blind, Part 1 (R.C. Sproul) (33 min)
Sermon - Man Born Blind, Part 2 (R.C. Sproul) (24 min)
John 10:
Commentary - John 10 Study Guide (David Guzik)
John 10:1-21 - I Am the Good Shepherd
Podcast - Jesus is Your Good Shepherd (John 10:14) (Radical) (6 min)
Podcast - One Flock, One Shepherd (John 10:16) (Radical) (8 min)
Podcast - Follow Me (John 10:27) - (Radical/David Platt) (4 min)
Devotional - Jesus Knows His Sheep (Desiring God)
John 10:22-42 - I and the Father Are One
Sermon - The Wonders of Christ’s Love (Light + Truth | Desiring God)
Sermon - Jesus Gives Eternal Life | The Preciousness of Jesus ( Light + Truth | Desiring God) (25 min)
Article - What does the Bible mean by “you are gods” / “ye are gods” | (
John 11
Commentary - John 11 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Visual - John 11:1-57 | Raising Lazarus | (Cartoonist’s Bible)
Video - Bible Recap Day 302 (John 11) ( Tara-Leigh Cobble) (7 min)
John 11:1-16 - The Death of Lazarus
Sermon - John 11:1-44 (Alliance Bible Fellowship) (36 min)
Devotional - The Purpose of Lazarus’ Death (Ligonier Ministries)
John 11:17-27 - I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Devotional - How Is Jesus the Resurrection and the Life? (Ligonier Ministries)
Podcast - Do You Believe This?| John 11:25–26 (Radical/ David Platt) (4 min)
John 11:28-37 - Jesus Weeps
Podcast - Jesus Wept | John 11:35 (Radical/ David Platt) (7 min)
John 11:45-57 - The Plot to Kill Jesus
Podcast - The Plot to Kill Jesus (Truth For Life/ Allistair Begg) (37 min)
John 12:1-8 - Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany
Commentary - (Blue Letter Bible, John 12)
Sermon - Leave Her Alone, Judas — This Is for My Burial (John Piper, Desiring God) (40 minutes)
Devotional/Commentary - The Anointing of Jesus (
John 12:9-11 - The Plot to Kill Lazarus
John 12:12-19 - The Triumphal Entry
Sermon - Dying As a Means of Loving (John Piper, Desiring God) (40 minutes)
John 12:20-26 - Some Greeks Seek Jesus
Podcast - Life Through Death (David Platt, (5 minutes)
John 12:27-36 - The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
Article - The Lamblike Servant (Gospel Coalition)
Devotional/Commentary - The Moment of Judgment and Salvation (
Devotional/Commentary - Walking in the Light while There’s Still Time (
John 12:37-43 - The Unbelief of the People
Sermon - Belief in Jesus: Its Barriers and Blessings (John Piper, Desiring God)(50 minutes)
John 12:44-50 - Jesus Came to Save the World
Video - Learn the Bible with Noel Dear (8 minutes)
Video - John 1-12 (Bible Project) (9 minutes)
John 13:1-20 - Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet
Commentary - John 13 (Blue Letter Bible)
Devotional/Commentary - The Example of Jesus (
Article - He Died to Have Her (Marshall Segal, Desiring God)
Sermon - For His Sake and For Your Joy, Go Low (John Piper, Desiring God) (50 minutes)
Podcast - Stooping to Serve (David Platt, (5 minutes)
John 13:21-30 - One of You Will Betray Me
Article/Study Guide - The Betrayer and the Beloved Disciple (David Frederick, West Hills Community Church)
John 13:31-35 - A New Commandment
Sermon - As I Have Loved You, Love One Another (John Piper, Desiring God)(45 minutes)
Commentary - Working Preacher commentary on John 13:31-35
John 13:36-38 - Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial
John 14
Commentary - Study Guide for John 14 by David Guzik
Visual Overview - John 14-15 | The Way And The Vine ( A Cartoonist's Guide To The Bible)
John 14:1-14 - I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life
Sermon - I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Desiring God)(42 min)
John 14:15-31 - Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
Sermon - Who Is the Spirit? (Gospel in Life) (41 min)
Article - The Promise of Another Helper (Ligonier Ministries)
John 15
Commentary - Study Guide for John 15 (David Guzik)
Visual Overview - John 14-15 | The Way And The Vine ( A Cartoonist's Guide To The Bible)
John 15:1-17 - I Am the True Vine
Article - We Can Do Nothing (Desiring God)
Podcast - What Does It Mean to ‘Abide in Christ’? ( Desiring God) 12 min
Article - Be with Me Forever: The Sweetness of Life in the Vine | Desiring God
Sermon - Sacrifice (Capitol Hill Baptist Church/ Thabiti Anyabwile) 53 min
John 15:18-25 - The Hatred of the World
Sermon - Overcoming Hatred with Christ's Love: Insights from John 15:18–25 (Dick Lucas) 27 min
Sermon - A Question of Belonging Part 1 (Allistair Begg) 32 min
Sermon - A Question of Belonging Part 2 (Allistair Begg) 39 min
John 16
Podcast - John 16 Explained (Through the Word) (9 min)
Commentary - John Chapter 16 (Enduring Word)
Sermon - To Your Advantage (Enduring Word/David Guzik) (30 min)
John 16:1-4
John 16:4-15 - The Work of the Holy Spirit
Article - John 16:4-11 | The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - John 16:5-11 | The Mission of the Spirit (Gospel in Life/Tim Keller) (46 min)
Podcast - John 16:7 | The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Things Unseen/Sinclair Ferguson) (7 min)
Devotional - John 16:7 | The Spirit Inside You (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - John 16:8-10 Reading of Puritan Richard Sibbes’ Sermon: The Saint's Privilege (Mark Dever) (36 min)
Sermon - John 16:8-11 | Preaching and Apologetics (Ligonier Ministries/Steven Lawson) (29 min)
Article - John 16:8-15 | The Holy Spirit: Agent of Salvation (The Gospel Coalition)
Devotional - John 16:12-15 | The Spirit's Guidance (Ligonier Ministries)
Q & A Podcast - John 16:13 | How Can Someone Be Misled about Essential Christian Truths If the Spirit Is in Them? (Ask Ligonier) (8 min)
John 16:16-24 - Your Sorrow Will Turn Into Joy
Article - John 16:16-19 | The Disciples' Confusion (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Put in the Fire for the Sake of Prayer (Desiring God/John Piper) (50 min)
Devotional - John 16:22 | The Only Enduring Happiness (Desiring God) (3 min)
Sermon - John 16:16-27 | Infallible Joy (Gospel in Life/Tim Keller) (33 min)
John 16:25-33 - I Have Overcome the World
Sermon - John 16:1-33 | I AM…Leaving the World and Going Back to the Father (Mark Dever) (61 min)
Article - John 16:29-32| Jesus Predicts His Desertion (Ligonier Ministries)
Devotional - John 16:33| It Is Not Easy, But It Is Better (Ligonier Ministries)
John 17
Podcast - John 17 Explained (Through the Word) (9 min)
Commentary - John Chapter 17 (Enduring Word/David Guzik)
Article - John 16 & 17| Joy Will Keep You From Falling Away (Desiring God)
Article - The Prayer Life That Matters Most (The Gospel Coalition)
Sermon - Glory-Finding in the Gospel of John (Desiring God) (30 min)
Podcast - Explore the Heart of Jesus Through His High Priestly Prayer (The Gospel Coalition/Kevin DeYoung) (52 min)
John 17:1-26 - The High Priestly Prayer
Devotional - John 17:1-3| Jesus Prays that He Might Glorify the Father (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - John 17:1-5| The Glory of Christ (R C Sproul) (34 min)
Podcast - John 17:1-5| God's Passion for God's Glory (Word of the Week/Ralph Cunnington) (32 min)
Sermon - John 17:1-5, 24| The Triune God (Gospel in Life/Tim Keller) (34 min)
Music - John 17:1-11 (The Corner Room) (5 min)
Devotional - John 17:4-5| Jesus Prays to be Glorified (Ligonier Ministries)
Q & A Article - John 17:6-9| Does the Doctrine of Limited Atonement Undermine Evangelism? (R C Sproul)
Devotional - John 17:7-8| What the Disciples Knew (Ligonier Ministries)
Devotional - John 17:9| The Focused Prayers of Christ (Ligonier Ministries)
Devotional - John 17:10-13| The Efficacious Prayers of Christ (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - John 17:11-19| Prepared for Preservation (Enduring Word/David Guzik) (36 min)
Devotional - John 17:14-16| Staying in the World (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - John 17:14-19| Sanctified in Truth (Ligonier Ministries/Steven Lawson) (45 min)
Sermon - John 17:17-19| Holiness (Gospel in Life) (41 min)
Devotional - John 17:20-21| Jesus Prays for our Unity (Ligonier Ministries)
Article - John 17:20-23| A Unity that is Evident to the World (R C Sproul)
Sermon - John 17:20-26| Prepared to Proclaim (Enduring Word / David Guzik) (34 min)
Devotional - John 17:24| Christ's Desire for Us (Ligonier Ministries)
Q & A Podcast - John 17:24| What Was God Doing Before Creation? (Ask Ligonier) (3 min)
Devotional - John 17:26| When Will I Be Satisfied? (Desiring God) (3 min)
John 18
Article - Holy Week Timeline (NIV Bible)
Article / Map - Jerusalem During the New Testament(Bible Mapper)
Commentary - John 18 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Commentary - John 18 (Bible Ref)
Sermon - I Am a King [vv1-40] (Mark Dever) (57 min)
Sermon - The Passive [vv1-40] (J.D. Greear) (54 min)
Sermon - Overview of John 18 & 19 ( Chuck Smith) (88 min)
Song - John 18 (Streetlights) (5 min)
John 18:1-11 - Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
Article - A Savior Stepped Forward (Greg Morse/ Desiring God)
Article - Peter’s Misguided Zeal (R.C. Sproul)
Sermon - Jesus Betrayed and Arrested (Allistair Begg)(27 min)
Sermon - The Cup of The Father [vv. 1-14] (Tim Keller) (45 min)
Sermon - The Wrath of God [vv. 1-14] (Tim Keller)(32 min)
Sermon - The Arrest of Jesus [v1-14] (R.C. Sproul) (32 min)
John 18:12-14 - Jesus Faces Annas and Caiaphas
Article - What Is the Account of Annas and Caiaphas? (Got Questions)
Article - Taken to the High Priest (R.C. Sproul)
Sermon - A Travesty of Justice [vv.12-14;19-24] (Allistair Begg) (42 min)
John 18:15-18 - Peter Denies Jesus
Sermon - Peter Denies Christ [vv. 15-27] (Allistair Begg) ( 55 min)
Sermon - Jesus’ Unjust Trial, Peter’s Shameful Denial [vv. 12-27] (John MacArthur) (57 min)
Sermon - Peter’s Denial [vv. 15-27] (R.C. Sproul) (28 min)
John 18:19-24 - The High Priest Questions Jesus
Article - Before A Kangaroo Court (R.C. Sproul)
John 18:25-27 - Peter Denies Jesus Again
Article - Simon Peter Denies Jesus (R.C. Sproul)
John 18:28-32 - Jesus Before Pilate
Article - Defiled In Heart (R.C. Sproul)
Sermon - Pilate Before Jesus [vv. 28-40] (R. Kent Hughes/Gospel Coalition)(41 min)
Sermon - Jesus Appears Before Pilate, Part 1[vv. 28-38] (John MacArthur) (58 min)
Sermon - Jesus Appears Before Pilate, Part 2 (John MacArthur)(47 min)
Sermon - Jesus Appears Before Pilate, Part 3 (John MacArthur) (45 min)
Sermon - Jesus And Pilate [v28-38] (R.C. Sproul)(32 min)
John 18:33-40 - My Kingdom Is Not of This World
Article - The Wounds of Christ Scream Out for a Verdict (J.D. Greear)
Article / Audio - The Birth of The Ancient of Days (John Piper) (4 min)
Sermon - You Have No Power (Tim Keller)(30 min)
John 19
Article - Mark and John: Two Gospels, One Jesus (J.D. Greear)
Article / Map - Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, Crucifixion & Burial (Bible Mapper)
Commentary - John 19 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Sermon - I Am Thirsty [v1-42] (Mark Dever)(52 min)
Song - John 19 (Streetlights)(6 min)
John 19:1-16 - Jesus Delivered to be Crucified
Article - God and Human Freedom (R.C. Sproul)
Sermon - Auto Pilate (Tony Clark/ Calvary Chapel) (26 min)
Sermon - Pilate Before Jesus 2 (R. Kent Hughes) (29 min)
Sermon - Jesus Appears Before Pilate, Part 4 (John MacArthur) (52 min)
Sermon - Prophecies Fulfilled at Calvary [v16-30] (John MacArthur)(45 min)
Sermon - The Sign at Calvary [v16-30] (John MacArthur) (36 min)
John 19:17-27 - The Crucifixion
Article - The Cross Wasn’t Just About God’s Love (J.D. Greear)
Sermon - They Divided My Garments (Tim Keller) (36 min)
Sermon - Sympathy and Supremacy at Calvary (John MacArthur)(55 min)
Sermon - The Crucifixion [vv. 17-37] (37 min)
John 19:28-30 - The Death of Jesus
Article - “Finished” - What the Son Cried As He Died (Greg Morse/ Desiring God)
Podcast - The Declaration of Triumph (David Platt/Secret Church) (17 min)
Sermon - I Thirst (Tim Keller) (31 min)
Sermon - A Cry of Suffering (Erwin Lutzer/ Moody Church)(30 min)
John 19:31-37 - Jesus’ Side is Pierced
John 19:38-42 - Jesus Is Buried
Article - One Painful and Beautiful Burial (Gavin Ortlund/ Desiring God)
Sermon - Undercover Christian (Tony Clark/ Calvary Chapel)(24 min)
Sermon - The Burial of Jesus (R.C. Sproul) (30 min)
Holy Week Timeline (NIV Bible)
John 20:1-10 - The Resurrection
Commentary/ Devotional - Mary Magdalene Finds the Empty Tomb (Ligonier Ministries)’
Illustration - John 20:1-18 | Jesus Appears to Mary(A Cartoonist's Guide to the Bible)
Sermon - The Resurrection (Truth For Life) (37 min)
John 20:11-18 - Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
Devotional/Prayer - The Hope of the Resurrection (John 20:11–16) (Radical/ Pray the Word (6 min)
John 20:19-23 - Jesus Appears to the Disciples
Article - Giving and Withholding Forgiveness (Ligonier Ministries)
Illustration - John 20:19-31 | Jesus Appears To Disciples ( A Cartoonist's Guide To The Bible)
Devotional/ Prayer - Peace Be With You (John 20:19) (Radical/ Pray the Word) (4 min)
Commentary/Devotional - Jesus Appears to His Disciples (Ligonier Ministries)
John 20:24-29 - Jesus and Thomas
Article - Doubting Thomas (Ligonier Ministries)
Article - His Scars Will Never Fade: The Wounds Christ Took to Heaven (David Matthis)
John 20:30-31 - The Purpose of This Book
Article - The Purpose of John’s Gospel (Ligonier Ministries)
Commentary/Devotional - The Age of Mission [vv. 10-31] (Ligonier Ministries)
Devotional/ Prayer - Life in His Name (John 20:31) - (Radical/ Pray the Word)
Devotional - That You May Believe [vv. 30-31] (John Piper)
John 21:1-14 - Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples
Illustration - John 21 | Jesus Restores Peter (A Cartoonist's Guide To The Bible)
Commentary/ Devotional - The Disciples Go Fishing (Ligonier Ministries)
Commentary/ Devotional - Eating Breakfast with Jesus (Ligonier Ministries)
John 21:15-19 - Jesus and Peter
Commentary/ Devotional - Jesus Restores Peter (Ligonier Ministries)
Commentary/ Devotional - Jesus Predicts Peter’s Martyrdom (Ligonier Ministries)
Article/ Devotional - Failure Need Not Be Final (Desiring God)
Sermon - Do You Love Me? | John 21:15-19 (Watermark Community Church) (44 min)
John 21:20-25 - Jesus and the Beloved Disciple
Commentary/Devotional - Peter Asks about John (Ligonier Ministries)
Devotional/ Prayer - Live with Your Identity in Christ (John 21:20) (Radical/ Pray the Word)
Devotional/ Prayer- Guard From Comparison (John 21:21–22) - (Radical/ Pray the Word)