Welcome to Acts Resources!
This video will provide insight into how we select resources to share with you. For more, take a look at our Beliefs page. We trust that these resources will help you to read, understand and love God’s Word in a way that transforms your heart!
Dramatic Reading - Acts 10:34-45
Weekly Verse Song - Acts 10:34-39
Weekly Verse Song - Acts 10:40-45
Commentaries & Study Tools - Blue Letter Bible
Commentaries - English Standard Version Bible
Articles -
Maps & Study Tools - OpenBible
Maps - Bible Mapper
Articles and Sermons - The Gospel Coalition
Articles and Sermons - Ligonier Ministries
Articles and Sermons - Desiring God Ministries
Acts 1
Song - Acts Chapter 1 (Streetlights - 6 min)
Article - Three Things You Should Know About Acts (Dennis Johnson, Ligonier)
Article/Summary - Acts Chapter 1 (Bible Ref)
Audio Commentary - Acts 1 & 2 (Pastor Chuck Smith - 1 hour 37 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts 1 (Ray Comfort - 39 min)
Commentary - Acts 1 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Overview-Article-Sermon - The History of the Early Church (Chuck Swindoll - 50 min)
Chart - Acts Bible Chart (Chuck Swindoll)
Acts 1:1-5 The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Article - Who Was Theophilus? (Got Questions)
Sermon - Truth and Power (Tim Keller - 36 min)
Sermon - The Church: A World-Changing Movement (David Platt - 54 min)
Sermon - Christ Builds His Church Today (John Piper - 26 min)
Acts 1:6-11 The Ascension
Article - The Ascension of Christ (Ligonier)
Sermon - He Was Taken Up (Allistair Begg - 39 min)
Sermon/Teaching - Acts 1:6-7 (J. Vernon McGee - 4 min*; teaching rolls to the next verses for more teaching)
Sermon/Teaching - Acts 1:9-14 (J. Vernon McGee - 4 min*; teaching rolls to the next verses)
Sermon - The Ascension (R. C. Sproul - 25 min)
Acts 1:12-26 Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas
Article - Was Matthias God's Choice to Replace Judas (Got Questions)
Article - Choosing An Apostle (Ligonier)
Sermon - The Word of the Apostles (J. D. Greear - 53 min)
Sermon/Teaching - Acts 1:15-26 (J. Vernon McGee - 5 min*; teaching rolls to next verses)
Sermon - A New Apostle (R. C. Sproul - 27 min)
Acts 2
Song - Acts Chapter 2 (Streetlights - 6 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts 2 (Ray Comfort - 39 min)
Commentary - Acts 2 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Acts 2:1-13 The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Article - What Are the Tongues of Fire (Crossway)
Article - What is the Day of Pentecost? (Got Questions)
Sermon - Pentecost (Allistair Begg - 39 min)
Sermon - The Descent of the Spirit (Tim Keller - 38 min)
Acts 2:14-41 Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost
Article - The Sermon That Changed the World (Charles Stanley)
Sermon - The First Christian Sermon (Allistair Begg - 39 min)
Sermon - Preaching Jesus of Nazareth (John MacArthur - 50 min)
Sermon - Peter's Sermon - Part 1 (R. C. Sproul - 24 min)
Acts 2:42-47 The Fellowship of the Believers
Article - What Was Early Christianity Like? (Got Questions)
Article - Captured. Committed. Contagious. (Marshall Segal, Desiring God)
Article - Five Features That Made the Early Church Unique (Tim Keller)
Article - Church As It Was Meant To Be (Travis Allen, Grace To You)
Sermon - The Coming of the Spirit and the Birth of the Church (J. D. Greear - 60 min)
Sermon - The First Church (Tim Keller - 19 min)
Sermon - Being With God in Community (David Platt - 38 min)
Sermon - Early Church Model (Lloyd Pulley, Calvary Chapel - 37 min)
Acts 3
Song - Acts Chapter 3 (Streetlights - 4 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts 3 & 4 (Chuck Smith - 1 hour 32 min)
Article/Summary - Acts 3 (Bible Ref)
Commentary - Acts 3 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Sermon - Peter's Second Message (Lloyd Pulley, Calvary Chapel - 43 min)
Acts 3:1-10 The Lame Beggar Healed
Article - What Can We Learn From The Man ... (Got Questions)
Article/Devotional - Better Than Silver or Gold (David Platt, Pray The Word - 5 min)
Sermon - The Miracles and The Message (J. D. Greear - 57 min)
Sermon - Healing at the Gate Beautiful (R. C. Sproul - 21 min)
Acts 3:11-26 Peter Speaks in Solomon’s Portico
Article - Blessings of Repentance (James Harvey, Ligonier)
Sermon - Incomparable Prophet (Allistair Begg - 43 min)
Sermon - Jesus As Prophet, Part 1 (Tim Keller - 46 min)
Sermon - Peter's Second Speech (R. C. Sproul - 24 min)
Sermon - Sons of Covenant (R. C. Sproul - 25 min)
Acts 4
Summary - Acts 4 in 5 Minutes (2 Be Like Christ) (7 min)
Podcast - Can't Stop, Won't Stop! (Through the Word) (10 min)
Podcast - Acts 4 (P. Carter/Into the Word) (20 min)
Commentary - Acts 4 (D. Guzik/Enduring Word)
Map of Jerusalem - Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus
Timeline of the Book of Acts - Acts Timeline (2 Be Like Christ)
Acts 4:1-22 Peter and John Before the Council
Sermon - Acts 4:1-13| Simply Jesus (A, Begg/Truth for Life) (47 min)
Sermon - Acts 4:1-20| The Conquest (A. Rogers/Love Worth Finding) (24 min)
Blog - Acts 4:11-12| One Way of Salvation (Ligonier Ministries)
Q&A - Acts 4:12| Is it Unfair to Say that Christ is the Only Way? (Ligonier Ministries) (3 min)
Sermon - Acts 4:13-22| Obeying God or Man? (R C Sproul) (25 min)
Sermon - The Exclusivity of Jesus Christ (A. Begg/Truth for Life) (45 min)
Acts 4:23-31 The Believers Pray for Boldness
Sermon - Acts 4:1-31| There is Salvation in No One Else (P. LeBoutillier/Calvary Chapel Ontario) (45 min)
Sermon - Acts 4:9-33| Holy Boldness (A. Rogers/Love Worth Finding) (29 min)
Sermon - Acts 4:19-31| Persevering Persecution (Anchored Fellowship) (44 min)
Sermon - A Prayer that Brought the Holy Spirit Down (J. Piper) (30 min)
Audio Article - Life Beneath a Sovereign Lord (Desiring God) (12 min)
Sermon - Holy Boldness (R C Sproul) (20 min)
Podcast - Acts 4:27-28| Is God Sovereign Over my Sin? (Look at the Book/Desiring God) (11 min)
Podcast - Acts 4:29-31| Bold Prayer and Proclamation (D. Platt/Pray the Word) (5 min)
Sermon - Acts 4:29-31| Are Signs and Wonders for Today? (J. Piper) (39 min)
Acts 4:32-37 They Had Everything in Common
Sermon - Acts 4:23-37| Praying, Shaking, Sharing (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (49 min)
Blog - Acts 4:23-37| The Great Conspiracy (Ligonier Ministries)
Devotional - Acts 4:33| The Power to Profess Christ (J. Piper) (3 min)
Acts 5
Summary - Acts 5 in 5 Minutes (2 Be Like Christ) (6 min)
Podcast - The Fear of Man or the Fear of God? (Through the Word) (10 min)
Summary - Acts 5 (P. Carter/Into the Word) (17 min)
Commentary - Acts 5 (D. Guzik/Enduring Word)
Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira
Sermon - Acts 4:32-5:11| Lying Donors (R C Sproul) (20 min)
Sermon - Acts 4:32-5:11| The Pride of Life (Calvary Chapel Ontario) (31 min)
Article - Who Were Ananias and Sapphira? (Ligonier Ministries)
Article - Tax Returns and the Alternative Energy of the Gospel of Grace (The Gospel Coalition)
Article - For Better or Worse: What Will Marriage Do To You? (Desiring God)
Sermon - Like Judgment Day (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (39 min)
Sermon - A Costly Mistake (D. Claire/Word of the Week) (40 min)
Acts 5:12-16 Many Signs and Wonders Done
Sermon - Acts 5:1-16| The God of Great Fear (Kevin DeYoung) (40 min)
Sermon - Acts 5:12-26| Faith, Boldness, and Shadows (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (39 min)
Acts 5:17-42 The Apostles Arrested and Freed
Sermon - Acts 5:17-40| If It Is of God (R C Sproul) (23 min)
Sermon - Acts 5:27-32| The Expedience of Obedience (A. Rogers/Love Worth Finding) (29 min)
Sermon - The Unstoppable Word of God (K. DeYoung) (52 min)
Acts 6
Summary - Acts 6 in 5 Minutes (2 Be Like Christ) (5 min)
Podcast - Stephen's Comet (Through the Word) (10 min)
Summary - Acts 6 (P. Carter/Into the Word) (14 min)
Commentary - Acts 6 (D. Guzik/Enduring Word)
Acts 6:1-7 Seven Chosen to Serve
Sermon - How to Turn Problems Into Possibilities (A. Rogers/Love Worth Finding) (31 min)
Sermon - Raising Up Servants and Keeping to Your Calling (P. LeBoutillier/Calvary Chapel Ontario) (34 min)
Sermon - Church Problems (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (40 min)
Acts 6:8-15 Stephen Is Seized
Sermon - When Angels Prepare to Die (K. DeYoung) (37 min)
Sermon - Wisdom and the Spirit (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (37 min)
Sermon - Acts 6 (S. Heitzig/Calvary Albuquerque) (46 min)
Sermon - The Rise of Stephen (Anchored Fellowship) - (52 min)
Acts 7-9
Commentary - Enduring Word Bible Commentary Acts Chapter 7
Summary/Videos/ Podcasts - Guide to the Book of Acts (Bible Project)
Chart - The Birth and Expansion of the Church (Precept Austin)
Visual - Acts 8-9 | Judea and Samaria ( A Cartoonist's Guide to the Bible)
Acts 7:1-53 Stephen's Speech
Article/ Devotional - The First Christian Martyr (
Acts 7:54-60 The Stoning of Stephen
Sermon -Saul of Tarsus (R.C. Sproul) (24 min)
Acts 8:1-3 Saul Ravages the Church
Video - The Apostle Paul: Acts 8-12 (Bible Project)(6 min)
Podcast/Devotional - Ordinary Anonymous Witness (Acts 8:1)(6min)
Acts 8:4-8 Philip Proclaims Christ in Samaria
Article - Acts 8:4-8 meaning (The Bible Says)
Acts 8:9-25 Simon the Magician Believes
Sermon - Evangelism Explosion — Part One - Acts 8:1-25 (Truth For Life) (40 min)
Sermon - Evangelism Explosion — Part Two - Acts 8:1-25 (Truth For Life) (28 min)
Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Sermon - The Extraordinary in the Ordinary (Radical/ Jonathan Bean)(47 min)
Article/Commentary - Who was the Ethiopian eunuch? (
Acts 9:1-19 The Conversion of Saul
Article - No, ‘Saul the Persecutor’ Did Not Become ‘Paul the Apostle’( The Gospel Coalition)
Article - What is "The Way" in the Bible? (
Podcast - Union with Christ (Acts 9:5) (Radical) (5 min)
Sermon - Acts 9:1-19 Answer the Call (Calvary Chapel Community Church) (48 min)
Acts 9:20-31 Saul Proclaims Jesus in Synagogues
Sermon - A Basket Case (Acts 9:20-31) (R.C. Sproul)(34 min)
Sermon - Acts 9:20-31 Embracing the Changed (Calvary Chapel Community Church(44 min)
Acts 9:32-43 Peter Heals Aeneas and Raises Dorcas
Sermon - Four Miracles (David Guzik)(43 min)
Acts 10-12
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 10 (David Guzik)
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 11 (David Guzik)
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 12 (David Guzik)
Acts 10:1-8 Peter and Cornelius
Commentary - Acts 10:1-8 meaning (The Bible Says)
Acts 10:9-33 Peter's Vision
Sermon - Acts 10:1-23 - The Conversion of Peter (David Guzik) (37 min)
Acts 10:34-48 Gentiles Hear the Good News
Sermon - We are Witnesses- Acts 10:34-43(Truth for Life) (39 min)
Podcast - The Spirit & The Word (Acts 10:44) (Radical)l (5 min)
Article - Who was Cornelius in the Bible? (
Acts 11:1-18 Peter Reports to the Church
Podcast/Devotional - Overcoming Resistance to the Gospel (Acts 11:1–2) (Radical) (5 min)
Acts 11:19-30 The Church in Antioch
Article - The Church in Antioch (
Sermon - The Team of Barnabas and Saul ( R.C. Sproul) (26 min)
Article - Generosity Fueled by Love Acts 11:27-30 ( High Pointe Baptist Church)
Acts 12:1-5 James Killed and Peter Imprisoned
Acts 12:6-19
Article - Peter Is Rescued The Power of Prayer (
Sermon - Acts 12 - One Martyred, One Rescued (David Guzik) (38 min)
Acts 12:20-25 The Death of Herod
Summary - The Death of Herod (Enter the Bible)
Acts 13-15
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 13 (David Guzik/Blue Letter Bible)
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 14 (David Guzik/Blue Letter Bible)
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 15 (David Guzik/Blue Letter Bible)
Acts 13:1-3 Barnabas and Saul Sent Off
Acts 13:4-12 Barnabas and Saul on Cyprus
Sermon - Acts 13:1-12 - Sent Out by the Holy Spirit (David Guzik) (38 min)
Map - Paul’s First Missionary Journey (Acts 13:4–14:26) (
Acts 13:13-52 Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia
Sermon - Acts 13:13-41 - Sermon in a Synagogue (David Guzik) (38 min)
Sermon - Accepted and Rejected (David Guzik) (37 min)
Podcast/Devotional - Joy Among the Chosen| Acts 13:48–49 (Radical) (5 min)
Acts 14:1-7 Paul and Barnabas at Iconium
Sermon - Acts 14:1-28 Through Many Tribulations(David Guzik)(38 min)
Acts 14:8-18 Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
Article - Hermes and Zeus (
Commentary - Acts 14:14-18 meaning (The Bible Says)
Acts 14:19-28 Paul and Barnabas Return to Antioch in Syria
Podcast/Devotional - The Kingdom & Tribulation| Acts 14:21–23 (Radical) (5 min)
Sermon - The Gospel Advances Acts 13-14 (The Village Church) (52 min)
Acts 15:1-21 The Jerusalem Council
Article - What was the meaning and importance of the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)? (
Acts 15:22-35 The Council’s Letter to Gentile Believers
Sermon - The Nature of the Gospel | Acts 15:1-35 (The Village Church) (44 min)
Acts 15:36-41 Paul and Barnabas Separate
Acts 16
Song - Acts Chapter 16 (Streetlights) (6 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts Chapter 16 (Chuck Smith) (50 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts Chapter 16 (J. Vernon McGee) (20 min)
Commentary/Summary - Acts Chapter 16 (Bible Ref)
Commentary - Acts 16 Study Guide (David Guzik/ Blue Letter Bible)
Acts 16:1-5 Timothy Joins Paul and Silas
Article - Acts 16 Bible Places (Bible Places)
Article - Paul Encourages Timothy to be Circumcised (R. C. Sproul)
Article - Timothy (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
Article - Paul's Journey … (The Bible Journey)
Sermon - How the Gospel Changes Lives (Tim Keller) (44 min)
Acts 16:6-10 The Macedonian Call
Article/Map - Macedonia (Bible Mapper)
Sermon - How Do I Find God's Will for My Life? (David Platt) (32 min)
Sermon - The Doctrine of Baptism (R. C. Sproul) (38 min)
Acts 16:11-15 The Conversion of Lydia
Article - Who Was Lydia? (Got Questions)
Sermon - The Second Wave (Matt Chandler) (54 min)
Sermon - A Truly Liberated Woman (John MacArthur) (51 min)
Sermon - The Philippian Jailer (R. C. Sproul) (36 min)
Acts 16:16-24 Paul and Silas in Prison
Sermon - Songs In the Night (Allistair Begg) (24 min)
Sermon - How The Gospel Changes Lives (pt 2) (Tim Keller) (40 min)
Sermon - How to Turn Persecution Into Production (John MacArthur) (58 min)
Video Devotional - What to Do When God is Silent (John Piper)(10 min)
Acts 16:25-40 The Philippian Jailer Converted
Article - Can We Ask God to Save Our Household? (Sinclair Ferguson)
Sermon - Three Gospel Conversations (J. D. Greear) (46 min)
Sermon - Reasoning From the Scriptures (R. C. Sproul) (22 min)
Acts 17
Song - Acts Chapter 17 (Streetlights) (5 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts Chapter 17 (J. Vernon McGee) (37 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts Chapter 17 (Chuck Smith) (58 min)
Commentary - Acts 17 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Sermon - Acts 17 (Greg Laurie) (45 min [begin at timecode 5:11])
Sermon - Acts 17 (Lloyd Pulley/Calvary Chapel) (45 min)
Acts 17:1-9 Paul and Silas in Thessalonica
Article - Bible Places in Acts 17 (Bible Places)
Article - Who Was Silas? (Got Questions)
Sermon - He Reasoned With Them (Allistair Begg) (30 min)
Acts 17:10-15 Paul and Silas in Berea
Article - Who Were the Bereans? (Got Questions)
Devotional/Article - Hunger For the Word (David Platt/Pray The Word) (4 min)
Acts 17:16-21 Paul In Athens
Article - The Apostles Vs. The Philosophers (Masters University)
Sermon - Some Strange Things (Allistair Begg) (30 min)
Sermon - Starting Where People Are (J. D. Greear) (46 min)
Sermon - The Gospel to the Philosophers (Tim Keller) (40 min)
Sermon - Good News to the Weak (John Piper) (20 min)
Acts 17:22-34 Paul Addresses the Areopagus
Article - Paul in Athens: The Backstory You Never Knew (Baptist Messenger)
Sermon - A Godly Man in a Godless City (Allistair Begg) (54 min)
Sermon - A Message to This World from Mars (Pt 1) (Erwin Lutzer) (14 min)
Sermon - A Message to This World From Mars (Pt 2) (Erwin Lutzer) (14 min)
Acts 18
Summary - Acts 18 in 5 Minutes (2BeLikeChrist) (6 min)
Podcast - Beaten and Broken | Acts 18 Explained (Through the Word) (8 min)
Podcast - The Value of Teamwork (S. Davey/Wisdom Journey) (14 min)
Commentary - Acts 18 (D. Guzik/Enduring Word)
Acts 18:1-17 Paul in Corinth
Map - Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey (Theology for the Rest of Us)
Sermon - Acts 18:1-7| Taking Christ to Corinth (Anchored Fellowship) (52 min)
Devotional - Acts 16:1-18:17| The Gospel and Roman Gods (Spoken Gospel) (4 min)
Sermon - Paul at Corinth (R C Sproul) (27 min)
Sermon - Acts 18:1-17| Sharing Your Faith Without Fear (D. Platt/ (43 min)
Acts 18:18-23 Paul Returns to Antioch
Sermon - Acts 18:1-22| Hope for the Desperate Sinner (P. LeBoutillier/Calvary Chapel Ontario) (41 min)
Sermon - Acts 18:11-28| (S. Heitzig/Calvary Albuquerque) (43 min)
Sermon - Acts 18:12-23| This Was Your Life (S. Davey/Wisdom International) (25 min)
Devotional - Acts 18:18-20| Opposition in Ephesus (Spoken Gospel) (4 min)
Acts 18:24-28 Apollos Speaks Boldly in Ephesus
Map - Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey (Theology for the Rest of Us)
Article - Who Was Apollos? (Ligonier Ministries) (3 min read)
Sermon - Acts 18:23-28| First Stops of the 3rd Missionary Journey (Anchored Fellowship) (52 min)
Sermon - In the Hands of Tentmakers (S. Davey/Wisdom International) (25 min)
Sermon - Ordinary People (S M Lucas/The Gospel Coalition) (29 min)
Sermon - Acts 18:23-19:7| The Ministry of Apollos (P. LeBoutillier/Calvary Chapel Ontario) (42 min)
Devotional - Acts 18:26| Accurately Understanding God's Word (D. Platt/Pray the Word) (5 min)
Acts 19
Summary - Acts 19 in 5 Minutes (2BeLikeChrist) (6 min)
Podcast - Paul's Wild Day | Acts 19 Explained (Through the Word) (9 min)
Podcast - Changing the World the Right Way (S. Davey/Wisdom Journey) (12 min)
Commentary - Acts 19 (D. Guzik/Enduring Word)
Podcast - Acts 18-19| (T. L.Cobble/The Bible Recap) (9 min)
Acts 19:1-10 Paul in Ephesus
Sermon - Acts 18:23-19:7| The Necessities of Discipleship (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (37 min)
Sermon - Acts 19:1-7| 1st Century Van Winkles (S. Davey/Wisdom International) (36 min)
Sermon - Acts 19:1-7| Have You Heard About the Holy Spirit? (Anchored Fellowship) (52 min)
Acts 19:11-20 The Sons of Sceva
Sermon - Acts 19:1-20| Paul in Ephesus (R C Sproul/Ligonier Ministries) (29 min)
Sermon - Acts 19:8-20| Radical Revival (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (36 min)
Sermon - Acts 19:8-20| Burning Bridges, Killing Spiders (S. Davey/Wisdom International) (29 min)
Sermon - Acts 19:13-20| The Unsuccessful Exorcism (Anchored Fellowship) (48 min)
Acts 19:21-41 A Riot at Ephesus
Sermon - Acts 19:8-41| Ministering in Ephesus (P. LeBoutillier/Calvary Chapel Ontario) (40 min)
Devotional - Acts 19:17-32| God Over Career (2BeLikeChrist)
Sermon - Rejecting Revival (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (37 min)
Sermon - Paul on Broad-Way (Anchored Fellowship) (54 min)
Article - Acts 19:23-40| Alone Against the Mob (G. Morse/Desiring God)
Sermon - Acts 19:23-41| The Riot (S. Davey/Wisdom International) (29 min)
Acts 20
Summary - Acts 20 in 5 Minutes (2BeLikeChrist) (6 min)
Podcast - Mission Requires Sacrifice | Acts 20 Explained (Through the Word) (11 min)
Podcast - A Model for Ministry (S. Davey/Wisdom Journey) (14 min)
Commentary - Acts 20 (D. Guzik/Enduring Word)
Sermon - If Only I May Finish My Course (P. LeBoutillier/Calvary Chapel Ontario) (48 min)
Acts 20:7-12 Eutychus Raised from the Dead
Sermon - Acts 20:1-12| Paul's Killer Sermon (Anchored Fellowship) (52 min)
Sermon - Acts 20:1-17 | Sleeping in Church (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (37 min)
Article - Acts 20:7-35 | Twisting the Truth
Acts 20:13-38 Paul Speaks to the Ephesian Elders
Sermon - Acts 20:18-25| A Life that Preaches (D. Guzik/Enduring Word) (38 min)
Article - Acts 20:21| Repentance and Faith (A. Martin/Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Acts 20:22-25| Faithfulness is Better Than Life (J. Piper/Desiring God) (31 min)
Article - Acts 20:24-30| Shepherds of Christ's Flock (Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Acts 20:26-38| Trouble Ahead (d. Guzik/Enduring Word) (41 min)
Q&A - Acts 20:27| What is the Whole Counsel of God? (Ask Ligonier) (3 min)
Article - Acts 20:28| Purchased By His Blood (A. Carter/Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Acts 20:32-35| I Entrust You to God and to the Word of His Grace (J. Piper/Desiring God) (32 min)
Sermon - Acts 20:32-38| The Sad Farewell (S. Davey/Wisdom International) (22 min)
Acts 21:1-16 Paul Goes to Jerusalem
Sermon - The Power to Risk in the Cause of Christ | Desiring God (John Piper) (57 min)
Video - Bible Recap Day 346 Acts 20-23 (10 min)
Acts 21:17-26 Paul Visits James
Podcast - Eternal Fellowship (Acts 21:17) (David Platt) (5 min)
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 21 by David Guzik (Blue Letter Bible)
Sermon - Acts 21:1-26 - The Will of the Lord Be Done (David Guzik) (40 min)
Acts 21:27-36 Paul Arrested in the Temple
Commentaries - Acts 21:27 Commentaries (Bible Hub)
Acts 21:37-40 - Acts 22:1-21 Paul Speaks to the People
Commentary - Acts 22 - NIV - “Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense.”...(Bible Study Tools)
Sermon - Acts 22:1-23 - Transforming Power (David Guzik) (37 min)
Sermon - Paul’s Defense in Jerusalem (Acts 22:1–21) — A Sermon by R.C. Sproul(28 min)
Acts 22:22-29 Paul and the Roman Tribune
Song - Acts 22 (Streetlights)
Video - Acts 22 - Daily Bible Reading - YouTube (Branch Together) (9 min)
Acts 22:30-23:11 Paul Before the Council
Sermon - Take Courage! | Acts 23 | (Gary Hamrick) (37 min)
Commentary/Article - 30. From the Sanhedrin to Caesarea (Acts 22:30 - 23:35) | (
Maps - Bible Mapper PassageBrowser (Acts 23)
Acts 23:12-22 A Plot to Kill Paul
Article - What happened between Paul’s third and fourth missionary journeys? (
Commentary - Acts 23 (ESV) - When it was day (Blue Letter Bible)
Video - Acts 23:1 to 35 (Robert Breaker) ( 60 min)
Acts 23:23-35 Paul Sent to Felix the Governor
Video - Bound for Rome: Acts 21-28 (Bible Project) (5 min)
Article - Claudius Lysias - Wikipedia (Acts 23:23-30)
Commentary - Enduring Word Bible Commentary Acts Chapter 23
Acts 24
Acts 24:1-27 Paul Before Felix at Caesarea
Sermon - The Path to a Clear Conscience - Acts 24:14- 16 ( Door of Hope SE/ Josh White)(37 min)
Podcast/ Prayer - A Clear Conscience | Acts 24:16 (Radical/David Platt ) (5 min)
Podcast/ Prayer - Relevance of the Resurrection| Acts 24:20–21 (Radical/ David Platt) (6 min)
Podcast/ Prayer - Trusting that God has a Bigger Plan| Acts 24:27 (Radical/ David Platt) (4 min)
Sermon - Paul's Defense Before Felix (R.C. Sproul) (32 min)
Sermon - Paul Tried Before Festus- Paul Appeals to Caesar (R.C. Sproul) (30 min)
Sermon - Acts 24 - Righteousness, Self-Control, and the Judgment to Come (David Guzik)(34 min)
Acts 25
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 25 (Blue Letter Bible/ David Guzik)
Video Commentary - Acts 25-26 • "I stand here Testifying both to Small and Great." (Paul LeBoutillier)(33 min)
Acts 25:1-12 Paul Appeals to Caesar
Podcast/Prayer- Reflecting the Character of Christ| Acts 25:7–8 (Radical/ David Platt) (4 min
Sermon - Ready with an Answer | Acts 25: 1-27 (Truth For Life) (48 min)
Acts 25:23-27 Paul Before Agrippa and Bernice
Podcast/ Prayer- Otherworldly Power| Acts 25:23 - (Radical/ David Platt) (5 min)
Acts 26
Acts 26:1-32 Paul's Defense Before Agrippa
Sermon - Acts 26:1-18 - Standing Before Kings (David Guzik) (36 min)
Podcast/ Prayer - Life-Risking Hope| Acts 26:6 (Radical/ David Platt) (6 min)
Article - Faith and Sanctification- Acts 26:12-18 ( Ligonier Ministries)
Sermon - Acts 26:19-32 - Almost Faith ( David Guzik) (33 min)
Podcast/ Prayer - The Joy of Sharing the Lord's Supper| Matthew 26:26–28 (Radical/ David Platt) (5 min)
Video Commentary - Paul’s message to King Agrippa (Word Online) (32 min)
Acts 27
Commentary - Study Guide for Acts 27 (Blue Letter Bible/David Guzik)
Illustration Video - Paul's Journey to Rome (Acts 27-28) (Cartoon Works) (4 min)
Article - What happened on Paul’s voyage to Rome? (
Commentary/Map - Commentary on Acts 27 - Paul Sails to Rome (Tough Questions Answered)
Acts 27:1-12 Paul Sails for Rome
Podcast/Prayer - Sovereign Over Uncertainty | Acts 27:9–11 (Radical/David Platt)(6 min)
Video - Paul’s dangerous voyage to Rome (Word Online)(28 min)
Sermon - Take Heart - Acts 27:1-26 (David Guzik) (39 min)
Sermon - The Book of Acts - Acts 27 (Door of Hope SE/Josh White) (41 min)
Acts 27:13-38 The Storm at Sea
Podcast/ Prayer - God's Sovereignty, Man's Responsibility| Acts 27:23) - (Radical/David Platt) (4 min)
Sermon- Acts 27:27-28:6 - Ship Wrecked, Lives Saved (David Guzik) (33 min)
Acts 27:39-44 The Shipwreck
Article/ Devotional - God Will Bring You Through: Finding Strength for the Storms You Face - Acts 27 (Desiring God)
Acts 28
Acts 28:1-10 Paul on Malta
Video Commentary - Paul stops over in Malta - Acts 28:1-10 (Word Online) (31 min)
Sermon- Acts 28:7-31 - Preaching With All Confidence (David Guzik)(36 min)
Acts 28:11-16 Paul Arrives at Rome
Podcast/Prayer - Courage - Giving Fellowship | Acts 28:15 (Radical/David Platt) (5 min)
Word Online: Paul preaches in Rome - Acts 28:11-30 (Word Online) (34 min)
Sermon - Rome: The Unfinished Story - Acts 28:11-31 (Door of Hope SE/Josh White) (39 min)
Acts 28:17-31 Paul in Rome
Article - Paul at Rome | Acts 28: 17-31 (Ligonier Ministries)
Podcast/Prayer - Salvation to the Gentiles| Acts 28:28 (Radical/ David Platt) (4 min)
Podcast/Prayer - Unhindered| Acts 28:30-31 - (Radical/ David Platt) (4 min)