Welcome to Acts Resources!
This video will provide insight into how we select resources to share with you. For more, take a look at our Beliefs page. We trust that these resources will help you to read, understand and love God’s Word in a way that transforms your heart!
Dramatic Reading - Acts 10:34-45
Weekly Verse Song - Acts 10:34-39
Weekly Verse Song - Acts 10:40-45
Commentaries & Study Tools - Blue Letter Bible
Commentaries - English Standard Version Bible
Articles -
Maps & Study Tools - OpenBible
Maps - Bible Mapper
Articles and Sermons - The Gospel Coalition
Articles and Sermons - Ligonier Ministries
Articles and Sermons - Desiring God Ministries
Acts 1
Song - Acts Chapter 1 (Streetlights - 6 min)
Article - Three Things You Should Know About Acts (Dennis Johnson, Ligonier)
Article/Summary - Acts Chapter 1 (Bible Ref)
Audio Commentary - Acts 1 & 2 (Pastor Chuck Smith - 1 hour 37 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts 1 (Ray Comfort - 39 min)
Commentary - Acts 1 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Overview-Article-Sermon - The History of the Early Church (Chuck Swindoll - 50 min)
Chart - Acts Bible Chart (Chuck Swindoll)
Acts 1:1-5 The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Article - Who Was Theophilus? (Got Questions)
Sermon - Truth and Power (Tim Keller - 36 min)
Sermon - The Church: A World-Changing Movement (David Platt - 54 min)
Sermon - Christ Builds His Church Today (John Piper - 26 min)
Acts 1:6-11 The Ascension
Article - The Ascension of Christ (Ligonier)
Sermon - He Was Taken Up (Allistair Begg - 39 min)
Sermon/Teaching - Acts 1:6-7 (J. Vernon McGee - 4 min*; teaching rolls to the next verses for more teaching)
Sermon/Teaching - Acts 1:9-14 (J. Vernon McGee - 4 min*; teaching rolls to the next verses)
Sermon - The Ascension (R. C. Sproul - 25 min)
Acts 1:12-26 Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas
Article - Was Matthias God's Choice to Replace Judas (Got Questions)
Article - Choosing An Apostle (Ligonier)
Sermon - The Word of the Apostles (J. D. Greear - 53 min)
Sermon/Teaching - Acts 1:15-26 (J. Vernon McGee - 5 min*; teaching rolls to next verses)
Sermon - A New Apostle (R. C. Sproul - 27 min)
Acts 2
Song - Acts Chapter 2 (Streetlights - 6 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts 2 (Ray Comfort - 39 min)
Commentary - Acts 2 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Acts 2:1-13 The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Article - What Are the Tongues of Fire (Crossway)
Article - What is the Day of Pentecost? (Got Questions)
Sermon - Pentecost (Allistair Begg - 39 min)
Sermon - The Descent of the Spirit (Tim Keller - 38 min)
Acts 2:14-41 Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost
Article - The Sermon That Changed the World (Charles Stanley)
Sermon - The First Christian Sermon (Allistair Begg - 39 min)
Sermon - Preaching Jesus of Nazareth (John MacArthur - 50 min)
Sermon - Peter's Sermon - Part 1 (R. C. Sproul - 24 min)
Acts 2:42-47 The Fellowship of the Believers
Article - What Was Early Christianity Like? (Got Questions)
Article - Captured. Committed. Contagious. (Marshall Segal, Desiring God)
Article - Five Features That Made the Early Church Unique (Tim Keller)
Article - Church As It Was Meant To Be (Travis Allen, Grace To You)
Sermon - The Coming of the Spirit and the Birth of the Church (J. D. Greear - 60 min)
Sermon - The First Church (Tim Keller - 19 min)
Sermon - Being With God in Community (David Platt - 38 min)
Sermon - Early Church Model (Lloyd Pulley, Calvary Chapel - 37 min)
Acts 3
Song - Acts Chapter 3 (Streetlights - 4 min)
Audio Commentary - Acts 3 & 4 (Chuck Smith - 1 hour 32 min)
Article/Summary - Acts 3 (Bible Ref)
Commentary - Acts 3 Study Guide (David Guzik)
Sermon - Peter's Second Message (Lloyd Pulley, Calvary Chapel - 43 min)
Acts 3:1-10 The Lame Beggar Healed
Article - What Can We Learn From The Man ... (Got Questions)
Article/Devotional - Better Than Silver or Gold (David Platt, Pray The Word - 5 min)
Sermon - The Miracles and The Message (J. D. Greear - 57 min)
Sermon - Healing at the Gate Beautiful (R. C. Sproul - 21 min)
Acts 3:11-26 Peter Speaks in Solomon’s Portico
Article - Blessings of Repentance (James Harvey, Ligonier)
Sermon - Incomparable Prophet (Allistair Begg - 43 min)
Sermon - Jesus As Prophet, Part 1 (Tim Keller - 46 min)
Sermon - Peter's Second Speech (R. C. Sproul - 24 min)
Sermon - Sons of Covenant (R. C. Sproul - 25 min)
Acts 4:
Coming soon!
Acts 7:
Coming soon!
Acts 10:
Coming soon!
Acts 13:
Coming soon!
Acts 16:
Coming soon!
Acts 18:
Coming soon!
Acts 21:
Coming soon!
Acts 21:
Coming soon!
Acts 27:
Coming soon!